Is Narcolepsy Treatable Without Medication

Is Narcolepsy Treatable Without Medication

There is a long answer and a short answer to the question, "Is Narcolepsy treatable without medication"? The short answer is that yes, it can be treated in many ways without medicine. However, this depends on the results you are looking for. There may be multiple different "treatments" you will want to combine to get the desired results. Even if you do take medication for narcolepsy, you can combine that with additional treatments so you get the best results possible. (more…)
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5 Things You Can Do NOW to Manage Narcolepsy

5 Things You Can Do NOW to Manage Narcolepsy

Lifestyle, Narcolepsy
Can Narcolepsy be cured? While narcolepsy can still not be cured, there are lots of things we can do to manage narcolepsy.  There are so many different narcolepsy treatments available, we don't have to give up.  Everyone has to find the narcolepsy treatment options that work for them! Some people choose to treat narcolepsy naturally.  There are ways for us to mitigate our symptoms without taking narcolepsy medication. We want to beat the brain fog, fight fatigue, and take back control over how we feel.  This list is about short-term goals!  Try one or more of them NOW! (more…)
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