
Why Grounding for Narcolepsy is Powerful

Why Grounding for Narcolepsy is Powerful

life hacks
There is not much research on grounding. I haven't seen research on how grounding for narcolepsy is so powerful. But I understand why. Research is expensive, and grounding is totally free. Who is going to fund research on something that isn't going to make them a profit later? Feel and Sense Energy - By Author But it's good news for you if you are reading this as someone with narcolepsy, chronic fatigue, or any other issue that is affecting your energy levels. This means that there may be something readily available to you that you just haven't tried yet! At least not with intention. We all ground unintentionally sometimes. But we may not be noticing how that affects us if we aren't aware we are doing it. Symptoms of being…
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My Spiritual Awakening Story

My Spiritual Awakening Story

Personal Story
I was sitting cross-legged in my childhood bedroom with my eyes closed. Sarah Small’s voice guided me into a meditative state from her IG live.  As she instructed us to allow our breath to release in a loud sigh, I heard a strange whisper emanate from my own mouth. “Aaaay a watana, eh oowawata na.”Strange, I tried to bring my focus back to my breath, but on the next exhale, the sound was even louder, “oohay anaash sheeee quamala seta ana." My eyes popped open, completely leaving the meditative state to look around me. But no one was there. My heart was racing. I had no idea this was the start of my spiritual awakening story. I closed my eyes again and the voice began coming from my mouth in an…
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Improve Sleep Quality Naturally

Improve Sleep Quality Naturally

life hacks
When I talk about improving sleep quality naturally, I do not mean in the typical ways you have heard of a thousand times. While the methods I use do not involve medications or chemicals, they may not be the most mainstream ideas out there. If you are open to alternative methods, check out my list inspired by energy medicine, qi gong, spirituality, and my own personal experience improving my sleep quality with narcolepsy naturally. (more…)
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Narcolepsy After Covid- A Happy Ending

Narcolepsy After Covid- A Happy Ending

Narcolepsy, Personal Story
I have seen multiple people asking what people's Narcolepsy has been like after having the Covid-19 virus. So I want to share my own experience of what narcolepsy after covid has been like for me. I recognize that everyone's experience is different, and I by no means intend to take away from anyone else's experience with the virus. But for me, the story has a happy ending. (more…)
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Letting Go of Old Versions of Me

Letting Go of Old Versions of Me

Life Coaching, Personal Story
Letting go of the old version of me is necessary before I can move into a new identity. Sometimes the characteristics that used to be serving me, no longer are. When I realize that, I want to move away from those attributes as quickly as possible and I need a clear way to do so. Today I realized I was at that point. I wrote an epitaph for myself and played some melancholy music for my funeral of my former self and decided to step into a new version of myself. This is very fitting for the solstice today. My description of old self is as follows: Letting go Mentally Kayla was always focused on the worst-case scenario. She wanted to be prepared for the worst so she wouldn't feel…
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What to Do When You Wake Up Tired

What to Do When You Wake Up Tired

life hacks
No matter how fantastic your health regimen might be, sometimes you will be wondering what to do when you wake up tired. Let's start with quick and easy physical things you can do when you start out your day. If you are waking up tired on a regular basis, here are some tips on how to get started addressing some of the root causes of fatigue (especially if it is due to narcolepsy, but even if it is not). Drink water You have been asleep for some time and probably weren't drinking much, so drink a liter of water. Your body needs it to function properly. Move! This will be different for everyone, but if you are a runner, go for a run! If you are a walker, try a…
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Is Narcolepsy Treatable Without Medication

Is Narcolepsy Treatable Without Medication

There is a long answer and a short answer to the question, "Is Narcolepsy treatable without medication"? The short answer is that yes, it can be treated in many ways without medicine. However, this depends on the results you are looking for. There may be multiple different "treatments" you will want to combine to get the desired results. Even if you do take medication for narcolepsy, you can combine that with additional treatments so you get the best results possible. (more…)
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5 Things I Love About Germany

5 Things I Love About Germany

Mindset, Travel
When it comes to adapting to a new country, I have a lot of experience. However, this time I have not had the easiest time adapting to my new environment. While I do not believe in using toxic positivity to cover up our real feelings about anything, I do believe there is value in focusing on the positive. That's why I am challenging myself to write 5 things I love about Germany. Focus on the environment One of the first things I had to adjust to when it came to daily life here, was how garbage is disposed of in Germany. It's not as simple as it was in India, or Myanmar where, unfortunately, everything was going to the same place. Germany has a great system where you pay a…
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Adjusting to the end of Daylight Savings Time

Adjusting to the end of Daylight Savings Time

life hacks
In various countries across the world, we turn our clocks back in the fall to go back to "standard time" and end Daylight Savings Time. For some this is exciting and it sounds like an extra hour of sleep! But for others, they see days or weeks of adjusting to the end of daylight savings time ahead. Here I will reveal the main issues I am having with this adjustment, and share some of my solutions. These are by no means the most expert solutions, but perhaps they will spark some ideas for you if you are having similar struggles. Please feel free to share in the comments if you have any tips or advice! It's Dark After Work The hardest part for me is realizing that when I finish…
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Thoughts About Death and Life on Earth

Thoughts About Death and Life on Earth

On the Day of the Dead I want to share my thoughts about death for those that may be sad when I am dead. I likely won't have a chance to share a message when it's my time to go, and as that can come at any minute, the day of the dead seemed as good a day as any to share my personal thoughts about death. To those who may be sad when I am dead, Don’t be. There is no such thing as death. Hear me out-  What is death? If you know me at all, you know I didn’t like the whole go into a church, kneel and stand, sit and kneel routine. Organized religion wasn't for me after a point, but I am a spiritual being.  On…
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Avoiding Emotions with Narcolepsy

Avoiding Emotions with Narcolepsy

Years back, I had gotten really good at avoiding emotions with narcolepsy. I was so distant from my own emotions, I didn't actually have a lot of opinions about things. I was okay with whatever happened. This neutrality prevented me from feeling those emotions that might trigger cataplexy, one of the lesser-known symptoms of Type 2 Narcolepsy. (more…)
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Why I Deleted Facebook and Instagram

Why I Deleted Facebook and Instagram

Even though I used to feel like my business depended on them Originally Posted on Medium Kayla Douglas Oct 18 · 3 min read Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash “What happened?” Was the most asked question I got as I revealed to people time after time that I would be removing myself from Facebook and Instagram. But nothing happened. Nobody was stalking me or threatening me, and I am not trying to make a political statement by boycotting, I’m sure no one misses me enough for that. So are you wondering the real reason why I deleted Facebook and Instagram? It’s Not What you Think Everyone wants to hear the tale of the last straw, the one that pushed me over the edge and honestly there is no tale to tell. Facebook and Instagram used…
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Starting a Morning Routine with Narcolepsy

Starting a Morning Routine with Narcolepsy

So this is going to be short and sweet, just letting you know how the first weeks of the 5 AM Club have been for me. I started out strong, and woke up at 5 AM, exercised, meditated, and wrote something creative once. I know many people say it's important to have a morning routine with narcolepsy, but it's not as easy as it sounds. (more…)
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Starting a New Chapter

Starting a New Chapter

Life Coaching, Lifestyle, Mindset
We always have opportunities for starting a new chapter. But there are certain situations that lend to this type of transformation. Today I am moving from India to Germany. I have a vision for who I am going to be there. Of course, this vision comes from my experience of who I have been being up until this point. I have gone through a lot of transformation throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic as I bounced around the world. (more…)
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