Why Grounding for Narcolepsy is Powerful

Why Grounding for Narcolepsy is Powerful

life hacks
There is not much research on grounding. I haven't seen research on how grounding for narcolepsy is so powerful. But I understand why. Research is expensive, and grounding is totally free. Who is going to fund research on something that isn't going to make them a profit later? Feel and Sense Energy - By Author But it's good news for you if you are reading this as someone with narcolepsy, chronic fatigue, or any other issue that is affecting your energy levels. This means that there may be something readily available to you that you just haven't tried yet! At least not with intention. We all ground unintentionally sometimes. But we may not be noticing how that affects us if we aren't aware we are doing it. Symptoms of being…
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Improve Sleep Quality Naturally

Improve Sleep Quality Naturally

life hacks
When I talk about improving sleep quality naturally, I do not mean in the typical ways you have heard of a thousand times. While the methods I use do not involve medications or chemicals, they may not be the most mainstream ideas out there. If you are open to alternative methods, check out my list inspired by energy medicine, qi gong, spirituality, and my own personal experience improving my sleep quality with narcolepsy naturally. (more…)
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What to Do When You Wake Up Tired

What to Do When You Wake Up Tired

life hacks
No matter how fantastic your health regimen might be, sometimes you will be wondering what to do when you wake up tired. Let's start with quick and easy physical things you can do when you start out your day. If you are waking up tired on a regular basis, here are some tips on how to get started addressing some of the root causes of fatigue (especially if it is due to narcolepsy, but even if it is not). Drink water You have been asleep for some time and probably weren't drinking much, so drink a liter of water. Your body needs it to function properly. Move! This will be different for everyone, but if you are a runner, go for a run! If you are a walker, try a…
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Adjusting to the end of Daylight Savings Time

Adjusting to the end of Daylight Savings Time

life hacks
In various countries across the world, we turn our clocks back in the fall to go back to "standard time" and end Daylight Savings Time. For some this is exciting and it sounds like an extra hour of sleep! But for others, they see days or weeks of adjusting to the end of daylight savings time ahead. Here I will reveal the main issues I am having with this adjustment, and share some of my solutions. These are by no means the most expert solutions, but perhaps they will spark some ideas for you if you are having similar struggles. Please feel free to share in the comments if you have any tips or advice! It's Dark After Work The hardest part for me is realizing that when I finish…
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How to Treat Migraine Naturally

How to Treat Migraine Naturally

life hacks
Quick Tips for Migraine Management I'm going to assume if you are here right now, you might be in some stage of a migraine so I will try to keep this as short and sweet as possible! Please feel free to ask questions, comment, or challenge my ideas about how to treat migraine naturally. I am not a doctor and these all come from my own experience living with migraine and narcolepsy. (more…)
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Can you really reduce migraine with hypnosis?

Can you really reduce migraine with hypnosis?

life hacks
A journey of self-understanding I was at a point where I would do anything to reduce migraine symptoms. I had tried everything from continuous birth control to the ketogenic diet and they had come back yet again. That's why I turned to some alternative methods that I had never considered for physical symptoms. It turns out, even my physical symptoms often have emotional roots. Before you read further, I will clarify I am not a medical doctor. I'm not trying to claim that it is anyone's fault that they have a medical disorder. Usually, I talk about narcolepsy, but today I'm going to share a bit about migraine. I had been trying to answer the question, "Why me?" when it came to my physical pain and suffering. But after years…
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Five Ways to Respond to Rude Comments

Five Ways to Respond to Rude Comments

life hacks
No one can reject you without your permission We all want to be more connected; genetically we are programmed to seek connection because in our more primitive forms we needed our tribe or group for survival. But when someone rejects you, you need to know how to respond to rude comments in order to keep your self-esteem in tact. Long ago, rejection meant being shunned, banned, or excommunicated. This type of punishment was worse than death. Our bodies are still programmed to respond to rejection negatively, even though we don’t require our peers’ help with basic needs like food, water, or shelter and security anymore. That explains why we feel our adrenaline spiking when we face rejection. Our hearts beat faster, and we feel our pulse quickening. In those moments,…
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One Self-Hypnosis Technique to Manage Emotions

One Self-Hypnosis Technique to Manage Emotions

Life Coaching, life hacks, Mindset
Photo by Mark Daynes on Unsplash Do you ever feel yourself reacting emotionally to a situation and wish you had more control? Maybe your kids are screaming at you and instead of remaining calm, you give them what they want. Maybe someone pulls out in front of your car in traffic and you feel anger bubbling up inside. Or are you the one who can completely ignore your emotions when they emerge and have no idea what I’m talking about? Whichever is the case, we all have situations where emotions appear and we need to deal with them in a constructive way. Self-Hypnosis is a handy tool that can make that quite simple. How Does Self-Hypnosis Work? There are so many different ways to use self-hypnosis they wouldn’t even fit in one book…
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Recovering From Depression

Recovering From Depression

life hacks, Lifestyle, Mindset
Why Skills Work Better Than Pills There is nothing wrong with taking medication for depression. I've done it before, and it helped me for a while. However, since most of us don't like the idea of taking medication to manage our moods forever, its good to also have some tools that can move us out of a depressed state. So let's talk about depression. Who Gets Depressed? Anyone who has moods can become depressed. Depression is simply a mood disorder. This may sound bleak knowing that literally everyone is vulnerable to depression, but it also means we can all learn some skills to fight back. What medication can't do While medication may be useful for getting you into a state where you can take action, it cannot take the action…
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Types of Relaxation Techniques

Types of Relaxation Techniques

life hacks
Photo by Pixabay We all know relaxation is good for our health, but do we know how to relax? If we are unable to slow down our physical responses to stress and anxiety, then we will not experience the benefits of relaxing activities. Here are some types of relaxation techniques that should be easy to fit into your daily life. Breathing Focused Strategies How often do you pay attention to your breath? We tend to hold our breath or breathe shallowly when we are stressed. We have all been instructed to “take a deep breath” before reacting to something stressful, so we know that it is a strategy to slow down our physical reaction.  But did you know that if you practice it frequently, it can become a habit and…
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How to Read Faster and Accomplish More Today

How to Read Faster and Accomplish More Today

life hacks, Lifestyle
If I knew how to read faster, I could get so much more done every day. A finger traces the lines across the page as the small child carefully pronounces each word out loud in front of the class.  Learning to read has been an exciting adventure, and they are finally mastering it.  The teacher comes by and firmly removes the finger from the page, forcing eyes to follow the lines without guidance. The message sent: this is how grownups read. [caption id="attachment_1146" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Photo by Ben White on Unsplash[/caption] But what if using that finger is useful to increase your reading speed?  Does it sound far fetched?  Humor me for a moment and test it. The test Set a timer for one minute and start reading your favorite…
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