Tips for Traveling With Narcolepsy

Tips for Traveling With Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy, Travel
Don't Travel Tired Do you worry about traveling with narcolepsy? Traveling tired can be dangerous. I feel like I am a smart traveler and pay attention to my surroundings. But once the sleep starts creeping in its easy to start letting my guard down and focus on staying upright.  (more…)
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Yoga for Narcolepsy

Yoga for Narcolepsy

Lifestyle, Mindset
Using yoga for narcolepsy is more feasible for me than other exercise regiments. Some days I feel so low I just want to lay down on the floor. It’s not just to have a nap, although sometimes I need that too! I used to think this was just a sign I was depressed, but now I see it as a message from my body. (more…)
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